Notes Bernhard

Personal RAW brain interactions from last night  4/23/2019

: hidden variables and spooky elements from a distance to a theory of quantum gravity that unites Einstein’s relativistic world with the enigmatic and seemingly contradictory quantum world. To design a new and better Spacetime framework.

Where Einstein recalcitrant?

Year I think he was when he became aware...



having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.


a person with an obstinately uncooperative attitude.

Become I recalcitrant?

're ordering quantum mechanics. The B-Hion 124/Gv3 contradicts already with hidden variables and spooky elements from a distance. Where can be found really 3 warm honest real true aesthetic ingredients in a mix master Universe?

Morality and Dignity. The B-Hion 124/Gv3. I'm not an actor our a movie script. I'm also not a science fiction writer. If hidden variables and spooky elements from a distance are valid, quantum encryption might actually be hackable

Wich model we choose (the new grand universal design) science fiction scripts the outcome isn't realistic truth,  it's besides 3, it becomes only speculation How could it be prove? We can't see further than 60 million mistreated light years.

It's in my genes 19-01-1965 my birthday party. I'm being a strong non conformist. With the highest levels of being Honestly in the facts that's needs to be investigated if my personal interest hits an subject of matter. I'm going not put my mind on that for now..

Could I formulate a quantum gravity theory that fits inside hidden variables and spooky elements. To design a new and better Spacetime framework?

O man I'm always such a criticaster..

How to archive the 138 reorganization for real estate values?

The theoretical physics around B-Hion 124/Gv3 matters a lot but it's only a part of the solution. Not the solution by itself. It's correct.


Write it down to a hypothetical solution


What's valuable space architecture?


Write it down to a hypothetical solution


What's valuable space architecture? The actual acceleration formalization and standardisation of the B-Hion 124/Gv3 boson inside the LHC particle accelerator could be a start. It's a long way to make that happen. It could be found and described as dark matter photons arise as quark particles when  Higgs protons hits against B Hion protons. As they fly through the LHC. There produced radiated dark matter photons. Theoretical it could fit in our physical structure. It Could be that gravitons are actually being B Hion protons. Result: Could it be that we found finally dark matter? It's theoretical physics. To prove and confirm these it must be first tested in the large header collision @CERN

There where the mass of a single B Hion proton is approximately about 80–100 times greater than the sum of the rest. With there located Mass and electric charge radiation, regarding the values within the database of CMS, quanta of light.

Mass 1.672621898(21)×10−27 kg

MeV/Charge radius: 0.8751(61)

Electric charge: +1 e; 1.6021766208(98)×10−19 C

If two protons going in opposite directions fly very close to one another within CMS, photons radiated from each can collide together and produce new particles, just as in proton collisions. As they fly through the LHC, the accelerating protons radiate photons, the quanta of light.

Back in a day our to.

Gravitational waves

The expansion of the universe related to the increase of dark matter and quantitative analysis of the speed of light

The B Hion is a fundamental constituent anti-particle of force with the same mass but is opposite charge as another. It reacts in fields of property of matter .?. with other matter.

It's related to the charm quark and the the strange quark.

the charm quarks along with the strange quark is part of the second generation of matter, and has anelectric charge of +2/3 e and a bare mass of1.275+0.025

−0.035 GeV/c2.

Need to push my work pc on..

But have no hurry..

B-Hion Quick Facts

Symbol = S -1

Predicted BH - 2019

Mass 124/Gv3

Charge 0

Spin 1

Color Charge 3

Antiparticle -1

Interacts with Weak force

Statistics Bosonic

Fields of study

Strange Quark

The strange quark makes up strange particles (types of hadrons) such as kaons and D mesons. Although particles that contain strange quarks were discovered in 1947, they were not recognized until 1964 at SLAC. The strange quark was predicted as a component of the Eightfold Way classification of hadrons. It took a new method called Deep Inelastic Scattering to probe inside the hadrons with strange quarks. The Strange Quark also went by the name "Sideways Quark".

Strange Quark Quick Facts

Symbol = S

Discovered SLAC - 1968

Mass95 MeV



Color Charge3

Interacts with Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, Gravity

Statistics Fermionic

Decays to Up Quark (ca;)

Antiparticle Strange Antiquark


Charm Quark

The Charm Quark was the third quark discovered. It makes up some special mesons (particles with 2 quarks) like the Psi particle. Although much less common than first generation quarks, particles with at least one quark have been observed in the laboratory. The Charm Quark had been theorized as early as 1964, but its actual discovery in 1974 brought about some major breakthroughs in particle physics known as the November Revolution.

Charm Quark Quick Facts

Symbols C

Discovered SLAC and BNL 1974 Mass1.275



Color Charge 3

Interacts withStrong, Weak, Electromagnetic, Gravity

Statistics Fermionic

Decays to Strange Quark, Down Quark

Antiparticle Charm Antiquark


QCD - Quantum ChromoDynamics is a quantum theory that describes how quarks interact using the strong force, mediated by gluons.

QFT - Quantum Field Theory is a theory that describes interactions of quantum particles that is in agreement with relativity. QFT includes particle physics and the Standard Model theories.

QED - Quantum ElectroDynamics is a quantum theory that explains the electromagnetic force and whos predictions agree with both special relativity and quantum mechanics.

Particle Physics - The field of physics dealing with the Standard Model and the particles on it. There are many other fields of study that fall under this category like QCD.

Quantum Mechanics - A category of physics that describes how particles interact at very small distances. Mostly focused on the photon, this can include other fields of study like QED.

What's valuable space architecture?

I'm trying to tease out the signal of dark energy against a background of all sorts of non-cosmological stuff that gets imprinted on the data. Im working on visible counterpart of gravitational waves ever detected.

The hypothetical collapse of Highs versus B Hion protons ;)

Such as a collision of two neutron stars that occurred 130 million years ago.

Write it down to a hypothese

tactical solution

Posted by Bernhard Hol at 4/23/2019 04:26:00 AM 

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